Welcome to a History of Keane, Inc.

John Keane had been working at IBM, as a salesman, in the early 1960s. In 1964 - IBM released the System 360 - the first integrated computer system. John saw a great opportunity to help customers fully leverage this new computer so he started John F. Keane Associates on December 15, 1965. The first office was over Nichols Donut Shoppe in Hingham, Massachusetts. John grew the company from 1 person in 1965 to over 10,000 and over $1B in revenue by 1998. 

What a Journey it was!

Some key milestones

  • 1965 - John F. Keane Associates founded 1965
  • 1967 - John F. Keane Associates, Inc, organized in March
  • 1970 - Keane went public on November 24 - listed on the NASDAQ under the symbol KEAN
  • 1972 - The Keane Machine based on the Cogar System/4 (a fore runner of the modern PC)
  • 1975 - Keane moves from the NASDAQ to the Boston Stock Exchange under the symbol KEA
  • 1975 - Acquires Innovation in Technology, Inc. effective July 1, 1975 which is the start of the HealthCare Solutions Division
  • 1975 - Acquires Systemation Associates, Inc. effective December 31, 1975.
  • 1980 - Changes it's name to Keane, Inc.
  • 1984 - Productivity Management book published
  • 1987 - New employee bootcamp with Boston University
  • 1989 - Sept 15 - KEA starts trading on the AMEX
  • 1990s - M&A, and Y2K Boom
  • 1999 - John Keane steps down as CEO and hands the reigns over to Brian and John Jr.
  • 2003 - October 30, 2003 - KEA starts trading on the NYSE
  • 2007 - Caritor acquires Keane

1. Keane, John F. (2002). Oral history interview with John Keane. Charles Babbage Institute. Retrieved from the University of Minnesota Digital Conservancy, https://hdl.handle.net/11299/107392.

2. History of Keane video

3. Various Annual Reports